Wednesday, January 14, 2015


For today we had a long journey ahead of us with not one but TWO local buses to catch in order to get to Varkala. We have been yoloin' this trip the whole way, taking public transportation, tuk tuks, cheap accommodations but it gets to a point that enough is enough! (A princess can only take so much!!!) ANY of the ones who have been on the tour since the beginning are ready for the yolo part to end so we asked TK if we could organize a private transport to take us to Varkala and we would pay for it! 
It ended up being 280Rupees per person... Less than $5! And no stinky, hot, uncomfortable buses where we can hardly manage to get it because it's so crowded! Yeay

Once we arrived in Varkala the hotel where we were staying had arrange a traditional kerala banana leaf lunch for us. 

The lunch was delicious to say the least! 

Varkala was hot and I did not have any dresses nor clean clothes so I decided to go to the shop next to the hotel. I looked around and saw a dress that I kind of liked and the woman said 850Rupees and I lost interest (it's very expensive for Indian standard) the woman kept saying "how much you pay? How much you pay?" And I really didn't want it so I kept saying "I'm ok, I'm ok" while I waited for Aleisha. The woman kept talking and bargaining, she then dropped her price to 400 rupees (less than $7) so I decided to try it. This woman was working so hard to sell me that dress that I decided to get it and was ready to go to the beach!
The weather was horribly hot (I don't like heat!) but still I decided to put a thick layer of sunscreen and go hide under an umbrella.
Varkala is up in a cliff and our hotel is beautifully located in front of the ocean, we had to walk about 7mins on the path full of shops and restaurants to reach the beach

A relaxed doggy
Amazing Jud doing a headstand... Namaste!

The sunset from our hotel was delightful!

At night, despite of an alarming monsoon prediction from a member of the group (apparently she has been through a lot of them and she KNEW it was coming despite the clear blue sky! Haha), we decided to go for dinner and drinks. 
While walking to the restaurant we saw how all the restaurants in Varkala display the fish that they have and you can pick which one you want and they would cut a piece or give you a whole.
After dinner we realized that in Varkala there is no such thing as night life and their bars completely suck so we ended up going back to the hotel and to bed, some others decided to party it up like rock stars on the lawn.

The next morning we had yet another early start to go to an island to visit a temple but before... Breakfast!!!! (Eating is definitely my favorite part of the day!... And exercising is the least!Haha)

Once again we went to a local restaurant. They sat us inside where we were overlooking a pond while eating our masala dosa!

After a delicious breakfast we went back on the tuk tuks and headed to the island with  a temple.
We all got into a canoe with one men pushing it with a bamboo stick

Say and Simon also helped...
We finally arrived at the temple... It was a very simple one

 After a short stay in the island we went back to the boat and back to land

Went for lunch at Cafe Italiano... And did not interact with anybody since the restaurant had wifi... Haha

 Spent the afternoon relaxing and improving my henna skills until it was dinner time and went looking for the restaurant "club 40" hahaha

Selfie queens

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